Fill The Gaps In Your Winter Feed

Fill the gaps in your winter feed with our mineral blocks. The easy, cost-efficient and effective way to ensure your stock gets essential nutrients and minerals that may be missing in their winter pasture.

Winter Block Range

Cattle Mineral 

Cattle Fodder
Beet Block

Cattle High
Magnesium Block

Cattle Winter
Crop Block

Cattle Young
Stock Block

500kg Winter Block Range

500kg molasses block lg email res 003 3624
500kg molasses block lg email res 087 3836
500kg molasses block lg email res 023 2303
500kg molasses block lg email res 009 8058
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500kg molasses block lg email res 107 0586 (1)
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For the bigger farm, SealesWinslow blocks come in a 500kg block. 

Easily moved around with a tractor, 500kg blocks ensure there is enough to go around in bigger herds. 

Place 500kg blocks in paddocks at a ratio of one for every 500 cattle.

Cattle Young Stock Block is available in 25kg only.

Winter Feed Strategies

Dry cows are often considered to be taking a break at this point in the season.  However, this is not really a holiday but should be seen as a training period for the marathon they are building up to – producing maximum milk yields for their genetic potential. 

Mighty Magnesium

When a mineral is pivotal for animal health, it’s good to take a close look at it. Find out what aspects determine the quality of magnesium and the effectiveness of supplementation.

Testimonial: Flippin’ Great Results!

We’ve found them (Seales Winslow fodder beet blocks) really good. The blocks are easy to handle and the cows didn’t take long to get a taste for it. it’s a well-balanced mineral mix….The animals come through really well and without any health issues.

Do You Know Your Animal’s Mineral Requirements?

The answer to this question will likely depend on the season, type and age of the animal, crop types they’re receiving and other factors such as milk production or need for weight gain.

While demands can vary substantially, the importance of minerals is crucial at all times, for animal health and productivity.

Prepare For The Wet – Hidden Deficiencies

When paddocks are sodden and moisture levels go off the chart, even with the best feed budgets animals are likely to be exposed to mineral deficiencies. Those who exercise a little foresight can reduce animal health issues down the line.

Mineral Blocks

Fill the nutritional gaps with the SealesWinslow mineral blocks. The blocks are a convenient and cost effective method of delivering essential minerals, energy and additives to animals on a free access basis.